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Transitioning While Homeless: Skylar’s Story


Being transgender can be tough.

Being transgender and homeless is even more difficult.

I came out as transgender in 2017 while I was homeless. I was 39 years old and living in a shelter when I suddenly realized I could no longer stand being who I wasn’t. I didn’t start presenting as a woman gradually: overnight, I got rid of all my guy clothes and switched to all girl clothes. I have lived full-time as a woman since that night.

Unfortunately, the shelter I was staying at had a policy to house people according to their birth gender, which meant I was residing with the male population. I was not allowed to use any of the female facilities. The staff tried to make it as pleasant as they could but they had to follow the policies. I regularly woke up super early so I could shower and get ready for the day alone.

Read more at NCTE's Medium page.

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