A4TE News

Senators are ‘Rushing’ This Anti-Trans Lawyer Onto The Courts


If there’s one thing the Trump administration can’t stand, it’s the legacy of civil rights law impeding their efforts to strip legal rights away from millions of people. Just this week, Attorney General Jeff Sessions whined to his wealthy friends at the Heritage Foundation about judges who rightfully side against the administration’s efforts to, among other things, rip children out of the arms of their immigrant parents or purge transgender people from the military.

Because members of the Trump administration know their discriminatory policies don’t stand a chance in a fair courtroom, they’ve joined with Senate leaders Chuck Grassley and Mitch McConnell to rush as many extreme judges to lifetime appointments as they can before the midterm election. They’re in such a rush, they’re holding partisan hearings on judges while Congress is in recess — something that’s never been done before. Read more...

By Gillian Branstetter

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