
The Organizing Department leads initiatives that move transgender people and our allies to take action for transgender equality. This includes managing programs like state legislative engagement, tracking pro-and anti-trans bills across the country, lobbying our elected officials, advocacy trainings, and voter engagement. Our State Action Center is a central place where trans people and our allies can find information and ways to take action on the pro- and anti-trans bills in state legislatures across the country. 

Our partners and staff, with Organizing Director Sy Smith in the center, pose in front of the Capitol during Trans Day of Visibility 2024.

Our organizers lead a strategic community engagement program to advance trans equality related to federal, state, and local policies, including determining priorities. We facilitate workshops, present at conferences, and help educate our allies in the movement.  Our initiatives are designed to motivate trans and allied people to take action for and understand the need for transgender rights. Our work is based on a deep understanding of issues affecting transgender people, especially racism, classism, transmisogyny, and other intersecting oppressions that affect our community. 

The team is continually building and strengthening a volunteer base of trans people and allies. We work to recruit and train volunteers for actions such as phone banks, rallies, lobby days, legislative hearings, and community events. The Organizing department, in collaboration with the Director of Voting & Elections and our LGBTQI+ organizational partners, educates transgender people on their rights while voting and breaks down barriers faced by trans people when they are attempting to access the ballot box. In a time where we face a rising threat to our basic rights, safety, and dignity, the Organizing department works to empower trans people and our allies to vote for candidates who will help our trans community thrive. To contact the Organizing department, reach out to [email protected].

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