Contact Us

Please choose one of the following options to contact us based on what you're looking for.

Common Requests

If you are in crisis
Contact Trans Lifeline
If you are a member of the press
[email protected]
If you need help with a name or gender change
Name Change Project
If you have experienced health care discrimination because you are trans or nonbinary
Trans Health Project
To request A4TE staff to speak at your event
Speaking requests
To update your name or other contact information in our database
[email protected]
To make changes to your recurring donation
[email protected]
To report anti-trans violence or honor a trans person who has died
[email protected]
If you are running for office and want support
Elections Information
To find legal help, social services, or other resources
Additional Resource List

Contact Staff by Department

Policy Department (state and federal legislation and policy)
[email protected]
Organizing Department (activism, volunteering, coalition building)
[email protected]
Development Department (donations, corporate partnerships, fundraising)
[email protected]
Finance Department (accounts payable, accounts receivable, invoices)
[email protected]
Research Department (U.S. Trans Survey)
[email protected]
Communications Department (website issues, social media collaborations, public education)
[email protected]
Litigation Department (amicus requests, technical assistance requests from lawyers representing trans people)
[email protected]

Email, Postal Mail, and Phone

While we will attempt to direct you to information about relevant resources, A4TE does not offer services or support beyond what is listed on our website. We may not be aware of resources in your local area.


When you email the address below, you will receive an auto-response containing a range of information and resources. Due to the high volume of requests, A4TE will only respond to this email if your question is not addressed by the resources provided in the auto-response. Responses (if warranted) may take up to 7 business days. 


If your inquiry isn't covered by one of the contact options above, you may reach out to us in one of the following ways.

Checks, letters, and other mail correspondence can be sent to:

Advocates for Trans Equality
228 Park Ave South, PMB 38268
New York, NY 10003-1502 US

Phone: (202) 642-4542

Email: [email protected] 

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