Defenders of Trans Equality

Advocates for Trans Equality’s Defenders of Trans Equality is a group of philanthropic leaders donating to A4TE who fight to ensure the voices of trans people, their families, and the movement’s allies are heard.

By committing to an annual donation of $1,000 (or $83.33/month) or more, Defenders of Trans Equality members receive special updates and invitations, giving them intimate behind-the-scenes access to A4TE’s work and the vision that drives our organization.

Joining Defenders of Trans Equality provides the amazing supporters of A4TE’s work with unique opportunities to connect, partner with, and learn from our programs and staff so that supporters know first-hand about the impact of their gifts from the people who are doing the day-to-day work.


-          First access to our breaking news updates

-          Branded lapel pins

-          Invitation to exclusive donor webinars presented by A4TE executive and program staff

-          Opportunities to sit on host committees for special events

-          Access to donor gatherings

-          Written end of year and mid-year impact and progress reports

-          Recognition in A4TE’s Annual Report

Join Defenders of Trans Equality today!

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