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Confirmation Hearings for Trump SCOTUS Nominee Scheduled for First Week of September

Senator Chuck Grassley has announced the Senate will hold confirmation hearings for Judge Brett Kavanaugh on Sept. 4 through Sept. 7 - long before Kavanaugh’s full records can be released.

Senator Chuck Grassley has announced the Senate will hold confirmation hearings for Judge Brett Kavanaugh on Sept. 4 through Sept. 7 - long before Kavanaugh’s full records can be released.

Judge Kavanaugh served in the Bush administration during many of the most contentious fights against LGBTQ equality, yet few of the records from that time have been made available to the public. The National Archives has indicated these records could not possibly be available before October - but Senator Grassley is prepared to move forward with the hearings regardless.

This move by Senator Grassley proves these hearings will be little more than a complete farce,” said Harper Jean Tobin, director of policy for the National Center for Transgender Equality. “Without full access to Judge Kavanaugh’s record, Senators will be forced to decide if they should give a lifetime appointment to a man with a hidden and secret past. Why does Senator Grassley want to deny the American people the right to vet their next Supreme Court justice? What, exactly, does Judge Kavanaugh have to hide?”

Among the issues and events Kavanaugh may have been involved in during his time in the Bush administration are:

  • The Bush Administration’s effort to ban same-sex marriages in every state by amending the Constitution

  • The Bush White House’s assertion that criminalizing same-sex relationships was a “state issue”

  • The Bush administration’s multiple efforts to derail hate crime legislation

  • The weakening of employment protections and purging of LGBTQ employees by the Office of Special Counsel

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