A4TE News

Gov. Carney Withdraws Regulation Restricting Rights of Transgender Students

Regulation 225 would have put needless burdens between transgender students and their rights

After receiving thousands of public comments demanding he protect transgender students, Gov. John Carney of Delaware withdrew a dangerous regulation that would have placed barriers between transgender youth and their rights.

Introduced last year, Regulation 225 initially sought to expand rights for LGBTQ students. But after targeted interference by outside anti-transgender groups, the regulation would have created steep and, in some cases, insurmountable obstacles for transgender students to be treated with respect while offering them little by way of meaningful protections.

In many cases, this regulation would have made it hard or even impossible for schools to support transgender students. The regulation would make transgender students a target for bullying and harassment - something too many transgender students experience every day.

DeShanna Neal, a Wilmington mother of four and family organizer for the National Center for Transgender Equality, gave the following response to the withdrawal of the regulation:

“Regulation 225 would have endangered the rights of many students to a fair and equal education in an environment that gives them everything they need to grow and thrive. No student should have to jump through hoops just to get equal treatment under the law. I want to extend thanks from my family and countless others around Delaware to the thousands of people who stood with us and to Governor Carney for doing the right thing and withdrawing this harmful regulation.”

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