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How The Trump-Pence Health Care Refusals Proposal Fails to #PutPatientsFirst


The day before his scheduled hysterectomy, Evan Minton received terrible news. Hospital administrators at Dignity Health cancelled his surgery after finding out he was a transgender man.

Dignity Health had no problem allowing other hysterectomies — in fact, on the very same day that Evan’s surgery was supposed to take place, his doctor performed a hysterectomy on a non-transgender patient at that hospital. But they singled Evan out, dismissing his doctor’s objections that his surgery was just as medically necessary as the other patient’s. They made no effort to hide the fact that it was because he was transgender: they claimed that their religious directive didn’t allow for surgeries when they were used to treat gender dysphoria.

Evan sued the hospital for discrimination — but the Trump-Pence administration is trying to redefine discrimination. To them, Evan’s efforts to stand up for his right to care is “discrimination” against Dignity Health.

Read more at NCTE's Medium page.

By National Center for Transgender Equality

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