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Justice Anthony Kennedy Announces Retirement

The exit by the key swing vote on the Court will leave open a vacancy to be filled by a nomination from President Trump

After thirty years on the bench, Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy has announced his retirement from the Supreme Court. Kennedy’s exit will leave a vacancy on the court.

Mara Keisling, executive director of the National Center for Transgender Equality, gave the following response to Kennedy’s announcement:

“It is impossible to overstate how much is at stake for transgender people and anyone concerned with basic fairness in this country. We hope every Senator knows the American people do not want 40 years of Trump’s values on the Supreme Court.”

“In just the first year of his tenure, Justice Gorsuch has waged war on voting rights, labor rights, and equality under the law. Yet another Trump appointee would make this situation far worse. The next justice could cast pivotal votes on whether it is legal to fire a transgender employee, target transgender students at school, or refuse health care to transgender patients. Unfortunately, every member of President Trump’s ‘shortlist’ has been vetted to ensure they will not uphold these basic rights.”

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