A4TE News

Mattis Expected to Urge President Trump to Allow Transgender Troops to Serve

Today, multiple news outlets reported that Defense Secretary Jim Mattis will urge President Donald Trump to allow transgender military service members to serve. The ban, first announced via Twitter last July, remains on hold after four federal courts held that it is unconstitutional and unsupported by facts.

NCTE Executive Director Mara Keisling issued the following statement:

President Trump’s transgender ban has been rejected by the federal courts, the American Medical Association, most members of Congress, and most of the American people. President Trump lied about consulting the Pentagon, yet he keeps pushing ahead with this reckless ban. The ban has no basis in science, medicine, military readiness, or the military’s actual experience with its transgender members.

Transgender troops have always served our country, and thousands of trained and capable transgender troops have been serving ably and openly for nearly two years without issue. It’s no wonder the Secretary doesn’t want to cause needless chaos for the military and discard valuable personnel with critical skills just because of who they are. And of course, as we have heard military leaders and lawmakers of both parties say so many times, any American who can meet the military’s tough standards and is willing to risk their life should be able to join up and serve.

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