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National Center for Transgender Equality Comments on Equality Florida’s Travel Advisory

Florida - On Wednesday, April 12th, Equality Florida released an unprecedented travel advisory, cautioning people, including families, entrepreneurs, and students, that Florida might not be a secure place to reside or visit. This move was made in response to the recent enactment of laws that have negative implications for the LGBTQ community, restrict access to abortion and transition-related healthcare, revoke gun safety laws, permit untrained and unpermitted carry of guns, and promote racial discrimination. The Governor of Florida has also utilized state agencies to penalize businesses of all sizes that disagree with his policies aimed at eroding diversity, equity, and inclusion. Equality Florida has highlighted these attacks in the full travel advisory found here.

"We commend Equality Florida for taking a bold stand and issuing a travel advisory warning individuals about the harmful legislation and policies being enacted in Florida," said Oliva Hunt, NCTE’s Policy Director, "Florida has a history of enacting harmful policies that disproportionately affect transgender individuals, including kids. From restricting access to healthcare to denying transgender students the ability to participate in sports, the state has created a hostile environment for our community. These recent attacks targeting the LGBTQ community and allowing for discrimination against transgender people only exacerbate this issue. Transgender Floridians have the right to live in a safe and thriving environment, free from discrimination and harassment. Transgender people must take extra precautions to ensure their safety and well-being while living in or traveling to Florida. With the recent passage of laws targeting the LGBTQ community, it is important that we remain vigilant and take steps to protect ourselves. We urge all members of our community to stay informed, stay connected, and stay safe. We are here to support each other and will continue fighting for our rights and safety.”


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