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NCTE Calls For Immediate Suspension of Nomination Hearing For Judge Brett Kavanaugh

In light of three credible allegations of sexual violence by Supreme Court nominee Judge Brett Kavanaugh, the National Center for Transgender Equality is demanding the Senate suspend tomorrow’s planned hearing pending a thorough investigation.

Throughout this week, NCTE has partnered with civil rights and anti-sexual violence groups in speaking out for the dignity of survivors, including the 47 percent of transgender people who are survivors of sexual violence themselves. Despite this, the White House and Senate leadership have ignored calls for a thorough, independent investigation of the claims made about Judge Kavanaugh’s conduct.

The allegations by Dr. Christine Blasey Ford, Deborah Ramirez, and Julie Swetnick include severe acts of violence--conduct that should completely disqualify any nominee to a lifetime appointment on the Supreme Court. The failure of Senate leaders to demand a full and nonpartisan investigation--coupled with these allegations and evidence of Judge Kavanaugh’s dishonesty in public statements on multiple topics--it is clear his nomination must be withdrawn.

Mara Keisling, Executive Director of the National Center for Transgender Equality, condemned the hearings and Judge Kavanaugh’s nomination:

"Senators and the White House are clearly so committed to pushing this extreme nominee onto the American people, they are willing to ignore credible reports of heinous and violent behavior. At grave personal risk to their livelihood and safety, Dr. Blasey Ford, Ms. Ramirez, and Ms. Swetnick have come forward rightfully expecting a full and fair investigation of their claims. Instead, they have been shoved aside and shamefully attacked by Senator Chuck Grassley and others Senators on the Judiciary committee. Transgender survivors know all too well how often survivors are blamed, attacked, and cruelly disregarded. We cannot be a country that treats survivors this way at the highest levels of government.”

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