NCTE, TRANSContinental Run, and the Pride Cup to Host Trans and Intersex Solidarity Events
Orlando, FL - The National Center for Transgender Equality, in partnership with the TRANSContinental Run and sponsorship with the Pride Cup, is hosting a family-friendly in-person and virtual 5k run/walk, “Trot for Trans Lives” on Saturday, July 29th beginning at 8am EST. The in-person race will begin and end at the Luminary Green Park in Orlando.
Orlando is the final stop for Cal Dobbs, a transgender athlete who has been running across the southern United States, spanning from California to Florida, to raise awareness of the current challenges faced by the transgender community in today’s political climate.
“This event and my journey across the country are not about changing minds. They are about showing love and solidarity to the transgender and intersex communities under attack in America, as well as for our friends, families, and the allies who support us,” said Cal. “As an educator, I believe that the narratives of hate towards our communities are born out of ignorance and are not representative of most people. Ignorance is an invitation to educate,” Dobbs went on to say.
“Trot for Trans aims to exhibit solidarity and compassion for the transgender and intersex communities that have been affected by the unprecedented surge of anti-transgender legislation introduced this year,” said Devon Ojeda, senior national organizer for the National Center for Transgender Equality.
The escalation of attacks against the trans and intersex community has reached an alarming level, marked by the introduction of over 500 anti-trans bills across the country. This year alone, 45 states have proposed discriminatory legislation that poses a threat to the well-being of LGBTQIA+ individuals. These bills encompass a range of harmful measures, such as prohibiting transition-related care, imposing limitations of trans athletes’ participation in sports, and even simply existing as a trans person.
Throughout this year’s state legislative session in Florida, about a dozen anti-transgender bills were introduced, including recently enacted HB 1521, the “Safety in Private Spaces Act,” which criminalizes trans people from using government-owned public restrooms that align with their gender.
“Trot for Trans Lives is about celebrating trans joy and community. It is about showing that we will not allow these ongoing political attacks to define or divide us,” Dobbs stated. “We are a resilient community that leads with love and spunk and will continue to live our lives with Pride!”
Funds from this event will be donated to organizations fighting for transgender and intersex rights in Florida and across the country including SPEKTRUM Health, Divas in Dialogue, Central Florida Emergency Care Fund, Southern Legal Counsel, The Queer Trans Project, Color Me Queer, TRANSContinental Run, and National Center for Transgender Equality.
“We urge our allies, as well as the trans, nonbinary, intersex, and gender diverse communities, to support these organizations that have remained united in their fight against the continuous onslaught of anti-trans political attacks,” Ojeda went on to say. “Our belief is unwavering: Florida is a place where trans and intersex individuals rightfully belong. Despite facing continuous political attacks on our community within the state, our resilience and commitment to this core value stand strong. Let us come together to celebrate our shared joy and community.”
In addition to the race, there will be a community panel event, “Trans Joy: Heart of the Game,” accessible both in-person and virtually, from 6-8pm EST in the Magnolia Room, located within the Live Oak Ballroom on University of Central Florida campus. Hosted by the National Center for Transgender Equality, Cal and UCF student organization, Color Me Queer, this panel will facilitate discussions with leaders and activists concerning trans and intersex rights in Florida, specifically focusing on inclusivity in sports and access to transition related healthcare.
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