A4TE News

New Regulation Would Restrict Rights of Transgender Students in Delaware

After interference from outside anti-trans groups, a new regulation would put restrictions on transgender students in Delaware

Introduced last year, Regulation 225 initially sought to expand rights for LGBTQ students. But after targeted interference by outside anti-trans groups, the regulation would now require students to obtain a parent’s signature in order to be treated according to their gender identity at school.

The regulation would also create burdensome processes for students to change their name and gender markers on school records, as well as participate equally in extracurricular activities.

In many cases, this regulation would make it hard or even impossible for schools to support transgender students. The regulation would make transgender students a target for bullying and harassment - something too many transgender students experience every day.

Even without a dangerous regulation in place, transgender youth are already more likely to be estranged from their family or face abusive situations at home. When faced with an unaccepting environment at school, transgender students are also more likely to have failing grades, drop out, or be expelled.

Before the regulation is finalized, a public comment period will be open until July 6.

DeShanna Neal, a Wilmington mother of four and family organizer for the National Center for Transgender Equality, gave the following response to the regulation:

“We cannot expect students to thrive when they feel unsafe, unaccepted, or unwanted at school. For too many kids, however, that sense of rejection starts at home. While I could never fathom rejecting my transgender daughter because of who she is, there are some parents that will have no difficulty pushing their children away simply because they are transgender.

“This regulation ignores the harsh reality faced by kids around Delaware and around the country. If enacted, it would only further alienate those children by making it harder for their schools to treat them with respect.”

“I urge all supporters of transgender equality to tell Governor Carney of Delaware that this regulation will undermine protections for our most vulnerable students. Educators and parents agree: We simply cannot allow any state to put up needless barriers between children and the education they need.”

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