A4TE News

Priorities for the Biden Presidential Administration


Joe Biden is the president our country needs. He has demonstrated his commitment and caring to the LGBTQ community throughout his career, steadfastly embodying the values of fairness, decency, and respect. NCTE looks forward to working with the new Biden administration to improve the lives of transgender people.

NCTE will work with the Biden administration on two broad primary goals: ending discrimination against trans people and ending the epidemic of violence against trans people, especially Black and Latina transgender women.

Ending discrimination against trans people:

  • Pass the Equality Act.
  • Ensure that the Bostock decision is followed throughout the federal government and all its programs and that the federal government vigorously enforces federal civil rights laws that protect LGBTQ people based on sex discrimination laws.
  • Revoke the discriminatory and harmful trans military ban.
  • Eliminate remaining trans health exclusions from federal health insurance plans, including the ACA Marketplace, Medicaid, Federal Employees Health Benefits, Department of Defense, and Veterans Administration health plans.

Ending violence against trans people, especially Black and Latina trans women:

  • Stigmatization
    • Use the presidential bully pulpit to educate the public about the problem and the urgent need to end it.
    • Include trans women of color in the creation and implementation of a comprehensive federal plan.
  • Marginalization
    • End discrimination in employment, housing, education, healthcare and other areas that can put people more at risk for violence.
    • Fund community-based programs to increase economic opportunities for trans people, especially trans women of color.
  • Criminalization
    • Overhaul the immigration and immigration detention system.
    • Overhaul the criminal justice system to make it more fair.

After four years of relentless attacks by Trump’s Discrimination Administration, it’s time to get to work on solutions. NCTE is eager to work with the Biden administration to fix the damage, heal the hurt, and move forward in a new chapter for trans people.


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