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Remembrance Report Honors 47 Trans People Lost to Violence Since Last November

National Center for Transgender Equality Releases 2022 Report For Trans Day of Remembrance

Ahead of Trans Day of Remembrance, the National Center for Transgender Equality has released its 2022 Remembrance Report to honor the 47 known transgender people killed since November 2021. The information in this report has been compiled from a variety of sources, including national and local news outlets; national, state, and local LGBTQ+ organizations; and social media posts.

“Transgender Day of Remembrance is a difficult day for our community as we continue to experience violence and discrimination,” said Alexis Vida Rangel, policy counsel for the National Center for Transgender Equality. “This report honors the vibrant lives of our trans siblings. We are not just statistics. We matter.”

This report is, unfortunately, almost certainly incomplete. Violence against the transgender community is often underreported, and data about it is difficult to capture. Transgender people who are victims of violence are frequently misidentified in death by law enforcement, journalists, and even by unsupportive family members, often by being referred to by their birth name or their assigned sex at birth rather than their true name and gender. In addition, when reports do accurately reflect transgender people’s identities, they often fail to represent the fullness of their humanity.

The 2022 Remembrance Report centers the humanity and individuality of trans people whose lives were stolen by violence. Whenever possible, the report includes snapshots of their lives, often shared by their loved ones.

View the full report here.

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