A4TE News

TLDEF - NCTE Merger Frequently Asked Questions

FAQs on the Merger of the National Center for Transgender Equality and the Transgender Legal Defense and Education Fund

Why are the National Center for Transgender Equality and the Transgender Legal Defense and Education Fund merging?

The past few years have seen unprecedented attacks on trans people and their rights. By joining together as Advocates for Trans Equality, we will wield twice the power, twice the influence, and twice the resources to advance policy change and legal action that dramatically improves trans people’s lives.

What’s the timing for the merger?

We announced our intent to merge on Jan. 17, and the merger is expected to be final by summer.

What exactly will Advocates for Trans Equality do?

At a time when states are considering a record number of anti-trans bills, trans voices are needed now more than ever. Advocates for Trans Equality will lead the fight for the legal and political rights of transgender people in America. A4TE will continue the same life-saving work that NCTE and TLDEF have led the past 20 years. Through education, advocacy and litigation, we will continue to win the hearts and minds of policymakers and the public--and secure the full equality trans people deserve.

Who will lead the new organization?

Andy Marra, the current executive director of the Transgender Legal Defense and Education Fund, and Rodrigo Heng-Lehtinen, current executive director of the National Center for Transgender Equality, will lead the new organization together. Andy will serve as CEO, and Rodrigo as Executive Director.

Who will be on the Board of Directors?

Board members from both organizations will form the board of Advocates for Trans Equality. This means board membership will largely stay the same, with some board members rolling off because of term limits. As such, we will be recruiting additional members for Advocates for Trans Equality in the coming months.

What’s happening to the staff at both organizations?

By merging, we aim to double our staffing capacity. That means everyone who currently works for our two organizations will have the option to be employed, with the same pay and benefits, at Advocates for Trans Equality.

Where will funding for the new organization come from?

Each organization brings strong partnerships with a number of different funders. We’re confident our current funders will want to be engaged with this new chapter of our work. In addition, we welcome new funding opportunities that the merger will open up.

How big will the new organization be?

Advocates for Trans Equality will be at least double the size of each merging organization, with some additional hirings in the near future.

Where will the new organization be located?

Advocates for Trans Equality will maintain offices in both New York City and Washington, D.C. Many staff positions will also continue to work remotely throughout the country.

Will the new organization continue to support labor unions?

The new organization will absolutely continue to support labor unions, and all employees who are union members will maintain their union status.

When will we see the new logo?

We are excited to share the branding elements with you. The logo and new branding will be rolled out over the next few weeks and months as they are finalized.

How can I support this new organization?

You can make a gift to A4TE here to help fund our work for trans equality. Consider making a monthly gift to fuel our work into the future.

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