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TLDEF Statement on Incoming Biden-Harris Administration


(NEW YORK, NY – November 7, 2020) - Today, the Transgender Legal Defense & Education Fund released the following statement from Executive Director Andy Marra:

“Today’s outcome demonstrates why every vote needs to be counted. Despite dangerous calls to suspend counting, our democracy has been at work with ballots being processed by local election officials across the country. We call upon President Trump and his supporters to respect the results and to ensure a peaceful transition over the coming weeks and months.

“We look forward to working with the incoming Biden-Harris Administration to repair the harm inflicted upon transgender people and so many others. But we face a long road ahead towards achieving the equity and justice that transgender people and our families nationwide have been denied. Our opponents will attempt to block and erode our progress – from the halls of power in our nation’s capital to state legislatures across the country. But we remain at the ready to defend against attacks on transgender people and look forward to working with the new administration to advance a better future for our community.

Today, we celebrate. Tomorrow, we get back to work.”

Transgender Legal Defense & Education Fund is committed to ending discrimination based upon gender identity and expression and to achieving equality for transgender people through test-case litigation, direct legal services, public policy, and public education efforts. For more information, visit TLDEF.org.

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