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Transgender Workers and The Politics of Disgust At The Supreme Court

A Michigan woman was fired from her job because she’s transgender — and her case could soon appear in front of the Supreme Court

When transgender Americans are asked what they need to thrive in society, the first and most common answer is “jobs.” A livelihood is the most crucial building block of a stable life, but one in six transgender people have been fired for simply being transgender. This compounds into higher rates of poverty, homelessness, and violence faced by the 2 million transgender people in the US.

For years, opinion polls have shown Americans think transgender workers — like all workers — deserve legal protection from this kind of discrimination. And for nearly two decades, federal courts have overwhelming agreed that Title VII does and should protect transgender workers.. But an anti-transgender lobby group is now asking the Supreme Court to throw out those rulings and legalize discrimination — just in time for it to be heard by President Trump’s latest nominee. Read more...

By Harper Jean Tobin

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