A4TE News

TransLatin@ Coalition received a bomb threat this week. Here's our statement of solidarity.


Under threats of violence, trans people will not be silent.

Earlier this week the incredible advocates at the TransLatin@ Coalition received a bomb threat to their office in Los Angeles. We are angry and heartbroken. This type of threat has happened to us before, and it is terrifying every time.

When we say trans lives are under attack, it is not a metaphor. It is real and it is serious.

Every day, trans people are attacked in some way simply for existing, whether it’s online, in person, or in public policy. Trans women of color are killed at an alarming rate. Trans athletes are bombarded with hate speech just for doing something they love. Trans girls are under attack from legislators and school administrators who don’t think they belong with their peers. Many trans people struggle with mental health due to the seemingly constant legislative attacks on our right to live normal lives. And all of this while we’re living in a global health crisis that is the COVID-19 pandemic.

The list goes on and on and on.

All of these attacks are an attempt to strip us of our humanity. It’s not about “biology.” It’s not about “fairness.” It’s about the fact that transphobic bigots don’t think we have the right to exist.

We will not let them win.

The trans community is powerful, resilient, and deserving of love and care. Most of all, we are human. We need people and spaces that allow us to be who we are without threats of violence. We will continue to fight for a society where trans lives are valued and celebrated. We will be loud, and we will be heard.

As TransLatin@ Coalition said in their press release:

“This is yet another example of how the lives of Trans, Gender Nonconforming and Intersex (TGI) people are always at risk. That is why we need to have a secure space where we all can feel safe. Please continue to support the work that our organization does to better the lives of all TGI people. We deserve to live in a society where we are not afraid to exist and be who we are, freely!”

If you need support right now in light of this news and want someone to talk to, please consider contacting Trans Lifeline or The Trevor Project.

If you would like to make a donation to TransLatin@ Coalition, you can make your gift here.

Love and solidarity from all of us at the National Center for Transgender Equality.


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