A4TE News

Trump-Pence Administration Set to Deny Funds to Reproductive Health Centers

In another dangerous blow to patients and doctors, the Trump-Pence administration today is set to propose a strict rule denying any federal funding to groups that provide abortions as any part of their program.

Known as a “gag rule,” the move by the administration would deny a crucial source of funds to groups like Planned Parenthood that provide reproductive and gender-inclusive health care to millions of Americans. It will restrict even primary care providers and community hospitals from referring patients for an abortion, or even discussing them as an option.

The gag rule poses a particular threat to transgender people who receive their health care at reproductive health centers and community health centers. Planned Parenthood alone provides transition-related care at over 100 health centers around the country, meaning this rule will severely weaken one of the single-largest providers of care for transgender people.

Mara Keisling, executive director of the National Center for Transgender Equality, gave the following response to the proposal:

“This rule is a direct threat to the health and well-being of the most vulnerable LGBTQ people in this country. This rule will only worsen access to health care for transgender people of color, those with low incomes, and those who live in rural areas in particular.

It puts in place unnecessary barriers between patients and their doctors, and asks hospitals and providers to choose between the life-saving care they provide and the funds they need to stay open. We proudly stand with Planned Parenthood and the many other providers of essential care as they face these harmful attacks by the Trump-Pence administration.”

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