A4TE News

Voters in Anchorage reject discriminatory Proposition 1

With over 76,000 ballots cast, the voters of Anchorage have strongly rejected Proposition 1 which sought to limit the rights of transgender people to equal and fair public accommodations in Alaska’s largest city. Not only did this discriminatory proposal lose in Anchorage’s largest election ever, but it’s the first of over 200 so-called ‘bathroom proposals’ from across the country to be rejected directly by voters.

Mara Keisling, executive director of the National Center for Transgender Equality Action Fund, offered the following statement:

“The voters of Anchorage have clearly seen this proposition for what it was – a direct attack on the civil liberties of city residents. It seems every week makes it clearer that such discriminatory measures are opposed by all but the most fringe elements of our society.

The National Center for Transgender Equality Action Fund is enormously heartened by this week’s victory. While difficult fights remain, allies and advocates for the equality of transgender people nationwide should take some comfort in the consistent rejection of bigotry and hatred in state legislatures, in the courts, and now at the ballot box.

We’d like to congratulate Fair Anchorage for their victory, and thank them for their contributions of staff and time towards defeating this measure. This simply wouldn’t have been possible without their resilient effort and courage in standing up for the transgender people of Anchorage.”

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