A4TE News

Supreme Court Grants Trump’s Request to Move Forward with Transgender Military Ban

The Supreme Court today granted the Trump administration’s request to begin implementing its clearly discriminatory ban on military service by transgender people.

Current and retired senior leaders across all four military branches have disapproval and outrage towards the ban, recognizing the service of transgender people benefits the military and had no negative impact on unit cohesion or morale. The proposed ban has also been condemned by members of both parties in the House and the Senate.

An estimated 15,000 transgender people currently serve in the military and the Court’s actions today puts their careers into question, causing ripple effects throughout the military including the thousands of teams that rely on these highly-trained servicemembers

Mara Keisling, executive director of the National Center for Transgender Equality, gave the following response:

“The Court’s extraordinary action today puts the honorable service of thousands of troops and military readiness on the line. The military sets a core standard of unity and acceptance for American society, with implications extending far past military bases and recruitment offices, and that is the goal of the Trump-Pence administration. Today’s action is an attack on transgender people around the nation. President Trump’s attempts to defend this ban are as farcical as ever and only serve to defame thousands of transgender troops. It is more important than ever for Congress to act immediately to defend thousands of brave and honorable transgender service members from this thoughtlessly destructive President.”

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