National Transgender Discrimination Survey: A Look at Multiracial Respondents

In 2008, the National Center for Transgender Equality (NCTE) and the National LGBTQ Task Force launched a nationwide study of anti-transgender discrimination in the United States. Over a six-month period, 6,456 transgender and gender non-conforming people answered a seventy-question survey, reporting on their experiences of discrimination and abuse at home, in school, in the public sphere, and in the workplace, as well as with landlords, doctors, and public officials, including judges and police. The survey results revealed that transgender and gender non-conforming people face pervasive discrimination in virtually all aspects of their lives.

One of the most important findings of the study was that the combination of anti-transgender bias with structural and interpersonal racism meant that transgender and gender non-conforming people of color, including those who are multiracial, experience particularly devastating levels of discrimination. In response, the Trans People of Color Coalition (TPOCC) has partnered with the National Center for Transgender Equality (NCTE) and the National LGBTQ Task Force to offer this report on discrimination against multiracial transgender and gender non-conforming people.

The information in this report is based on the experiences of the 736 respondents who described themselves on the survey as more than one race. This includes 433 who checked the box for white; 91 Black; 108 Latino or Latina; 75 Asian American, South Asian, Southeast Asian, or Pacific Islander; 39 Arab or Middle Eastern; and 254 American Indian or Alaskan Native.

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