Standing with Trans Prisoners: Resources to Improve Conditions for Incarcerated Trans People

Standing with Trans Prisoners is a suite of publications for advocates and corrections officials to update and implement policies impacting transgender people in prisons and jails. Designed for use by corrections officials and advocates fighting for the safety of all incarcerated people, the publications include an introduction to the barriers faced in prison by LGBTQ people, a comprehensive policy guide, a guide for advocates on working with prison and jail agencies, and a larger perspective on the place of LGBTQ people within mass incarceration.

Transgender people face routine abuse and violence in America’s prison system, enduring sexual and physical violence at alarmingly high rates. According to the 2015 US Transgender Survey, transgender people are ten times as likely to be abused by fellow inmates while incarcerated (as compared to the general prison population) and five times as likely to be abused by prison staff. Just this spring, the Trump Administration issued instructions encouraging prison officials to ignore federal law and the safety of transgender people in their custody. Learn more at NCTE's Police, Jails & Prisons issue page.

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